Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Don't grumble about Drumble!

Fished Drumble today. Shades and shirts for both anglers. Magnum still coming up short but snagging the best fish of the day - 2x4lb carp and 2 x 2.5lb tench plus roach skimmers etc - but no chub. Nicholls bagged mainly on chub, odd tench and roach. Fish have grown. Chub many are 1lb plus. Nice relaxing session on feeder. Maggot, worm and caster. Steady flow of fish throughout and rain avoided in rapid pack up at the end.

Nearly a duck on Mallard

Crazy last throw of the dice as the dynamic duo headed over to Spring Lea. Rain looked the order of the day and the temperature plummeted. So Orfe was the obvious choice. No Mallard after previous fruitless attempts we went for it again. Anyway Nico and Magnum messed about on the pole, the sun came out, Nicholls cast a feeder into the sun and Mangnum sulked off home after catching the smallest fish in Mallard one after the other. Nicos blushes spared by a late carp in the margins only after it nearly jumped out and kissed his feet in surrender. Nicholls dominated throughout with skimmers and carp on feeder.

Monday, 1 September 2014

I thought horseshoes were lucky

In theory the weekend was scheduled to be a complete success after the disaster of 2013 festival. Nico on time and kit packed swiftly into the new Nicholls Touran. Optimistic but realistic. Nico played at DJ and Nicholls moaned about the lack of 80's classics. The miles soon vanished as debates were had about methods, baits and banter. Time for a boost of the energy levels with coffee and double mc sausage and egg. Spring Lea loomed and the lads spotted the welcome sight of great white hope - the van and magnum ready, willing and waiting. No fuss straight to Orfe. Playing cards pulled for the draw of pegs and a very focused session started. Magnum still learning the rules like his timetables and Nico with quick fire gags at the expense of his competitors. Feeders up for Nico and Nicholls, magnum still unsure of the rules headed for the pole at 10 metres. Then nothing. Followed by nothing. Then all go Magnum the rules master was into a large carp, bullying it in, the hook pulled. Cup in and wait. A few small fish to Nico and Nicholls. Again magnum whilst learning the rules was into a decent carp, but no the monster escaped. A few more smaller fish followed. Lads arrived with tales of 80lb bags, Nicholls actually stuck at the 3 hour feeder and Nico pretended not to be catching IDE. Magnum revisited the rules, completed a small test on them and opted for the feeder. A few fish followed. Nicholls a 4.5lb carp. Nico continued to not catch IDE and magnum was now reciting the rules, all catching a few fish. Steady fishing, fish were not big but constant. But the wind blew and the temperature was autumnal. But the fish still came, skimmers, invisible I'm not catching any IDE and roach. The carp were on a half day like the cob van. At 5pm the all in left the anglers wondering.....
Combined weights and a review of the point system showed Nico in the lead with a weight of 43lb, Nicholls with 33lb and Magnum with 14lb. Unexpected weights and order. Points were split Nico 3.5, Nicholls 1 and Magnum the gudgeon grinder with 0.5 Now this is were the tale turns....... > Red faced, exhausted, one too many pints, madras, lime pickle mountain and sleeping next to a night club. Nicholls exploded at 4.20am and will never be the same again. Nico stirred and snored like a buffalo. 6.45am saw two homeless, unshaven, walking funny hobo fish madras fart ale smelling anglers heading to McDonald's. We werent alone at 6.50am! We'll day two was basically sh*t. Nico did the business with 3 carp and the combined weight of silvers between us was around 8lb. Poor poor day on Horseshoe- the boys were battered by lack of sleep and venue. However loved it as ever and we will be back. Long drive home filled with ifs and buts. Key lessons learnt for 2015 - need two day venue - stick at a method - keep it simple with the rules - total weight over two days - pick a weekend without something Monday or fish Friday/Saturday - give day two the same respect as day one - early night - there are other foods than curry - never fish horseshoe again - ask Julian day one what is open day two - one keep net - don't trust the cob van - fish far end of Orfe - go for IDE with maggot mountain - ignore Nico with his mind games - drink something when fishing - never fish horseshoe again - very quiet hotel location - avoid lime pickle for 12 months - never fish horseshoe again

Thursday, 28 August 2014

2014 Monkey Tennis Cup Festival Spring Lea

Official rules for the 6th Festival 2014 Saturday 30th August 2014 PLEASE READ CAREFULLY 1. Start 9am each day 2. £6 entry fee 3. Pegs drawn both days 4. Minimum of 3 hours over two days on feeder 5. 1 point for each of the following - total weight - most species - largest fish - carp weight - silvers weight Max 5 points over the day - total Maximum score 10. 6. All out agreed before start of each session. 7. Two nets required - carp and silvers.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Nico managed to snag a few bream late on to avoid the blank. Coot catcher with a long hard fought battle with this 13.5lb carp plus a few bream. Highlight of a generally poor session for Butterley given the conditions and time of year.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Smelt like teen spirit

Butterley res pegs in the corner. Early jack pike 2lb Smelt Good to branch out into something new with Nico New area of tackle purchasing A big one will come rather than these small teenagers.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Nico 1 Run Nicholls 0 Runs

Fished the high bank and the rocks. Only some movement on rocks - was it a run? Nico went for a 10 k run and I had nothing. Tested new kit. My time will come!!

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Wind down and hit it

Butterley Very mild January day - around 10 degrees At points very bright. Fished high bank about an hour then moved along to the small outlet Fished into the bay and had this 3lb pike fairly quickly
Exciting stuff - float buried - could have been a monster. No one else doing anything Baliff advised fishes better for pike when colder!! Good confidence boost that more can be had. Only fished for 2 hours tops. Enjoyed it I'll be back to tempt that creature from the depths. Wheres Nico? Wearing that thermal suit to bed? 2014 - Personal best carp, pike and roach from Butterley.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Breaking Bad

Butterley Cold as the images shows. Really basic kit. 2 hours. Fishing through ice.Good to test kit. Wrong pegs due to match on res. Lesson learnt. Aim at least one pike this winter!!

Friday, 3 January 2014

2014 It's a start!

Cudmore - 2nd Jan 2014 - fished Drumble briefly and then Milo. Fished to Island on Drumble. Chub, roach and skimmers. Knew the approach so quickly bored of it. Didn't want to chase all day without a little competition from the rest of the Monkey Tennis collective. Milo next fished to island - plenty of bits. Moved to overflow. Tench and a bit a chuck. Few hours and home called.